
Croup Management

Original price was: NGN100,990.00.Current price is: NGN98,440.00.


• It energises your entire body system, by helping your cells function more efficiently.
• Supports the development of brain, eyes and nerves in children up to 12 years of age.
• Provides vitamin C delivery in a delicious, fruity form that everybody enjoys.
• Normal function of the immune and nervous systems, as well as psychological function.
• Delivers healthful omega-3 fatty acids that experts recommend for optimal health.

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Croup Management
NGN100,990.00 Original price was: NGN100,990.00.NGN98,440.00Current price is: NGN98,440.00.

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Croup Management

Croup Management

Croup is an infection of the upper airway, which obstructs breathing and causes a characteristic barking cough. The cough and other signs and symptoms of croup are the result of swelling around the voice box (larynx), windpipe (trachea) and bronchial tubes (bronchi). When a cough forces air through this narrowed passageway, the swollen vocal cords produce a noise similar to a seal barking. Likewise, taking a breath often produces a high-pitched whistling sound (stridor).
Croup typically occurs in younger children. Croup usually isn’t serious and most children can be treated at home.

Symptoms of Croup
Croup often begins as a typical cold. If there’s enough inflammation and coughing, a child will develop: Loud barking cough that’s further aggravated by crying and coughing, as well as anxiety and agitation, setting up a cycle of worsening signs and symptoms; like fever, hoarse voice, breathing that may be noisy or labored. Symptoms of croup are usually worsened at night and usually last for three to five days.

If your baby’s symptoms are severe, worsen or last longer than three to five days or aren’t responding to home treatment, contact your family doctor. Seek for an immediate medical attention if your child makes noisy, high-pitched breathing sounds both when inhaling and exhaling, makes high-pitched breathing sounds when not crying or agitated, begins salivating or has difficulty swallowing, seems anxious and agitated or fatigued and listless, breathes at a faster rate than usual, struggles to breathe. Develops blue or grayish skin around the nose, mouth or fingernails (cyanosis).

Causes of Croup
Croup is usually caused by a viral infection, most often a parainfluenza virus. Any child can contract this virus by breathing infected respiratory droplets coughed or sneezed into the air. Virus particles in these droplets may also survive on toys and other surfaces. If your child touches a contaminated surface and then touches his or her eyes, nose or mouth, an infection may follow.

Risk factors of Croup 
Children between 6 months and 3 years of age, are mostly at risk of getting croup. Because children have small airways, they are most susceptible to having more symptoms with croup. Which can lead to a secondary bacterial infection of the trachea, resulting in troubles breathing and requiring an emergency medical care. Although, just a handful of children seen in the emergency room for croup require hospitalization.

We are also advocating for preventive measures and a high hygiene culture by observing frequent hand-washing, keep your child away from anyone who’s sick, encourage your child to cough or sneeze into his or her elbow. Yes! To band off more-serious infections, and keep your child’s vaccinations current.

Our nutritional whole-food supplements rich in phyto-nutrients can help soothe the effects of these sufferings in their body systems*! Our Scientific Advisory Board (SAB); formulation of high potency food supplements and herbal remedies to assist the human body metabolism. Begin our supplementation programme with these under-listed GNLD NEOLIFE’s dietary supplements; PROVEN CLINICAL SPECIALTY SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR OPTIMAL WELLNESS GOALS AND HEALTH! Clinically, we advise the following GMO-free herbal nutritionals, to effectively assist your child’s metabolism! NEOLIFE’s needful and Essential Nutritional Wholefood Supplements; and her USAGE:
1. All C Chewable in 90 Tablets; take 3 tablets daily.
2. Smart 8 in 60 Softgels; take 2 softgels daily.
3. Vita Squares in 180 Tablets; take 3 tablets daily.
4. Chelated Cal-Mag with Vitamin D3 in 90 Tablets; take 3 tablets daily.

Clinical Health Benefits:
• Whole-food bioflavonoids assure broadspectrum protection – rutin from buckwheat, hesperidein from grapefruit and bioflavonoid complex from lemon.
• Available as chewable tablets and our Sustained Release tablets for children of all ages.
• Strengthens your nervous system and helps detoxify your body system.
• Balances your hormonal function and promote pituitary gland functioning*!
• Full-body support from key minerals to help soothing relieves and enjoy more.
Chelated, with easy enhanced absorption formula of nutrients in the body.
• An antioxidant which mops up free radicals, prevents Vitamin A and E from oxidation.
• Combats itching effects on the skins due to irritation or harmful substances.
• Provides vitamin C delivery in a delicious, fruity form that everybody enjoys.
• Normal function of the immune and nervous systems, as well as psychological function.
• Maintenance of normal function of the immune system during and after intense physical stress.
Vitamin C is robbed from our bodies daily by stress, sugar, alcohol, smoking and also by some drugs like antibiotics, aspirin, contraceptives, pain killers and steroids!
• Repairs bruises and injuries. And builds up healthy collagen and assures firm skin.
• Supplies essential soluble vitamins the human body needs daily, for optimal wellness.
• Good for normal skin, hair, and nails also prevents skin-sore and ache.
• Helps cells function more efficiently by allowing nutrients to get in & waste to get out.
Tre-en-en is the world’s first and only wholegrain Lipids and Sterols Supplements that optimizes cell membrane function. Makes they flexible and easier for nutrients passage.
• Delivers healthful omega-3 fatty acids that experts recommend for optimal health.
• Helps support cognitive health and brain function.
Calcium and magnesium, necessary for strong bones and teeth, are also critical for cardiovascular health, normal blood pressure, nerve and muscle function.
• Supports the development of brain, eyes and nerves in children up to 12 years of age.
• Omega-3 fatty acids, crucial to the development of infant brain and eyes, are naturally present in mother’s milk.
• Infants, whose mothers consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, have higher omega-3 fatty acid levels compared to those whose mothers don’t consumeomega-3-rich foods.
• Overall growth and development, nutrient utilization efficiency and cardiovascular development improved.
• It energises your entire body system, by helping your cells function more efficiently.
• Helps in transportation of nutrients, rich oxygen from the lungs to the whole body.
• Promotes strong bones and teeth with 3 tablets provide 500 I.U. of vitamin D3
• Formulated with the 2:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium to meet our body’s needs.
• Combats the effects of osteoporosis by preserving bone mass and build strong bones.
• Magnesium help retain bone strength and peak bone mineral density loss.
• Supports proper muscle contraction and helps for the transfer of nerve impulses*!

Based in Nature, Backed by science!
Powered by GNLD International

The Right Supportive Formulas by Food and Nutrition Board, Institutes of Medicine Dietary Reference! The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) seal guarantees you the finest, safest, most effective products in the world. Ensuring your body gets the BESTS of maintenance with NEOLIFE’s rich Vitamins & Minerals!
Clinically Tested and Proven Nutritional Whole-food Supplements from nature.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.


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Weight 0.95 kg


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