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What Are Vitamins?

What Are Vitamins?

What are Vitamins? Vitamins are highly complex substances that are essential for our good health, normal growth and reproduction. They may be chemically unrelated, but all vitamins are organic. They help regulate metabolism and assisting our body’s biochemical process to release energy from our digested foods.

Every cell in our body requires vitamins every day. We must receive a constant supply through our daily diets, as the human body cannot manufacture them.

Two Categories of Vitamins
■ Fat-soluble (vitamins A, D, E and K).
■ Water-soluble (vitamins B and C).

However, our body system can ONLY store the fat-soluble vitamins; as the water-soluble vitamins NOT used are immediately eliminated from our body daily; although, both types of vitamins are essentially needed in our body for proper functioning.


Vitamins are vital components for Good Health

In enzyme production, bone growth and development, tissue repairs, vision, digestion; even acts as basic elements to our immune system – acting as antioxidants against cancer causing “free radicals” oxygen. Prevents deficiency related diseases, assists for common colds, detoxification and stimulates wounds healing process, helps with overall protection for optimum health.


Healthy Snacking Vitamins

Unknown to many, kiwi is packed with abundance of vitamin C, iron, potassium and dietary fibre. It helps digestion, weight loose management and blood sugar control. Kiwi boosts our white blood cells count.

  • Almonds are a common healthy snack known globally, packed with vitamin E and healthy fats too. Half a cup gives a 100% of recommended daily amounts of needed magnesium and fibre. Almonds also increase the T-cell count, which regulates our immune responses. Another is our Blueberries – contains a flavonoid called anthocyanin, which is known to improve respiratory tract’s immune defense, helps with cold and aids immune cells in our bloodstreams.
  • Likewise,our yummie dark-chocolates, do contains antioxidants called theobromine, unknown to many. It protects the body’s cells from radicals.
  • Sweet potatoes are also immune boosters – a source of beta-carotone and vitamin A. Helps protect from excess UV rays and for our skin lushness.
  • Green Tea – Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), is a powerful antioxidant which help reduces the risks of a cold, protects against oxidants and radicals.
  • Broccoli – packed with vitamins A, C and E, fibre and antioxidants.
  • Do you KNOW our pawpaw gives us a daily amount needed vitamin C, which contains good digestive enzyme – rich in folate, magnesium and potassium?
  • Citrus fruits – vitamin C does not get stored in our body because they’re water soluble in nature. Helps accelerate healing process, common cold prevention, burns, and bleeding gums. And also aids resistance against cancer producing agents.

We all need a daily intake of vitamins as growing conditions, harvests, transportation, storage, refining, freezing, canning and cooking are all detrimental to the vitamins’ contents of the foods we consume daily!

Vitamins supplementation is one very positive step we can recommend to ensuring that our bodies are receiving sufficient quantities of these vitamins – necessary for good health, well-being and rich lifestyle.

The Advantages of NEOLIFE’s Vitamins Technology

Today, the handling of our food supplies are too often beyond our control, since we rely on others to provide and protect the nutrients’ value of these foods we buy. We can never be completely sure we are receiving all the vitamins our bodies require.

Our whole metabolic system is based on water solubility. They move within our cells and surroundings, our cells are primarily water-based. Therefore, water-insoluble fats and fat-soluble vitamins pose a challenge to our body’s digestive system.

Within our stomach and intestines, exist several digestive enzymes and bile acids specially designed to “emulsify” fats, so that these water-insoluble substances can be mixed with water (made “miscible”) and taken up by water-based system of circulation.

NeoLife’s every day consumable supplements are best sourced technologically from nature. The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB); of NEOLIFE – blends natural emulsifiers into fat-soluble vitamin formulas. Enhancing rapid and efficient absorption in her exclusive, sustained-release, which assists our body in its natural emulsification process. Thereby, causing gradual release of these vitamin components for as much as six hours or more; and makes a constant availability of nutrients without wastes – leading to optimum nutrition.

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